Just a little update for you all as its been a while since my last post. Im currently in the midst of changing the design of the website, as well as a few other exciting projects on the go. So firstly – thank you for being so patient with me during this period.
Asides from a new look, I have a few other touches that will be new to the site such as including a mailing list option that I’ve finally got around to creating for any of you that would like posts direct to your inbox. I’ve also added a new Wellness section which I am very excited about, and have a bunch of posts that I have been putting together ready to share here with you all.
I’ve wanted to have my own blog for a while now, ever since I first started reading food blogs four or five years ago. But I think the catalyst that led to me finally creating this space was starting a holistic health and wellness course and learning all this amazing information that I wanted to share with other people, yet not really having a platform on which to do so. I also started to experiment more with healthier food options and wanted to have somewhere to share the recipes I create with other likeminded people who would appreciate this style of food and cooking. And importantly, I think the course also gave me the confidence to actually put myself out there and do something a bit out of my comfort zone. Ever since I cut meat out of my diet nearly 16 years ago, I’ve faced criticism from others about what I eat, and this has only been exacerbated in the past 18 months or so when I’ve moved towards a healthier, wholefoods diet. Whilst a few of my closest friends also don’t eat meat and the others are very accepting of our dietary choices, my family – for the most part – as well as some other friends and acquaintances over the years have shown varying levels of acceptance as well as confusion around my way of eating – “Its just a phase”, “You dont want to be too healthy!” “You’re so hard to cook for – what else is there to make for vegetarians other than pumpkin soup or lasagna!?” (believe it or not this comment actually came from a trained cook!)
For the most part, I think these opinions are largely a result of lack of information and education about different diets and ways of eating. This combined with the fact that some people really just love meat and don’t understand why other people would chose not to eat it. So part of my intention in having this blog is to show how varied a plant based diet can be and also the associated health benefits. I am not intending to try and convert anyone to vegetarianism or veganism – I strongly believe that whilst most people would benefit from a plant based, whole foods diet, there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to diet and people may need different diets based on their age, gender, location and other personal circumstances.
So – thanks again for your patience, I’ll be back soon with a bunch of new recipes and posts, as well as a giveaway – watch this space!
D x
I love the new layout. So pretty!
I really enjoyed reading this post. As you might know, I really want to be a vegetarian (which is pretty hard when you live with a meat-loving dad (the chef in the house) and brother). I find it very hard to explain to people why I want to be a vegetarian and how I’m gonna do it. ‘Cause as you say: there are tons of delicious vegetarian recipes. I think this is a problem most vegetarians truffle with.
However, you are such an inspiration and after I started reading your lovely blog I’m even more hooked on going 100% vegetarian.
Thank you Josefine – Im so glad that you have found stuff on here that you can relate to :) It is very hard – I was living at home with my meat-loving father when I first stopped eating meat and it was very hard at first so I can relate to that! I think slow steps and patience definitely help – as long as you know whats right for you Im sure you’ll find your way :) I look forward to hearing about your progress. X
I love your blog too and am always checking to see what you have next on here and am looking forward to see more in the wellness section!!!
Being your mum and a meat lover, I too found it a bit daunting with what to cook for a ‘vegetarian’ but you have shown me what varied and delicious meals can be had without meat. I used to love it when you used to come visit me for weekends in Bridport and Launceston and let you be the cook, but I must say that I would always look forward to a big meat dinner after you left on Sundays :)
Hopefully you will have time to cook for me again when you come visit me in WA in a couple of months!!
Well done on your blog….its getting better and better and I love the pic of you in the hammock!! so beautiful and relaxing xx