Have you ever noticed that if someone points out a tiny flaw in a person, place or object, it is often the first thing that you notice when you eventually encounter said person/place/object? “Yes, its lovely here in Bangkok, I just find it hard to eat our meals in the street cafes with that constant smell of urine” (Uh, thanks, I find it hard to enjoy my meals here now too!)
I often do this with cooking “Here’s dinner! I think I may have gone a bit heavy on the paprika though, it tastes quite paprika-y” which then of course will be met by “Oh yeah, now that you mention I can definitely taste the paprika”.
I find this works the other way too though, which brings me to this smoothie. When I first read a recipe hailing the health benefits of maca root powder, it suggested adding it to your favorite smoothie, but warned that the taste could be overpowering and unpleasant and to only use a little bit. I added in a teaspoon and thought when trying it, “gosh, it really is overbearing isnt it!”
It wasnt until reading Andrea’s fond description of maca that I decided to try it again, and was pleasantly surprised that as she suggested, maca was in fact was quite malty-tasting!
I’ve been making this banana and peanut butter smoothie for a while and its good – reeeeeal good – but I think its even better with some maca added in, the maltiness just takes it to another level.
On a nutritional note, maca powder is ground from the ancient Peruvian root Maca. It can be beneficial in increasing energy and stamina and its also claimed to increase sexual libido and fertility levels. More information about the health benefits of maca can be found here.
Malted banana peanut butter smoothie
Note: As with most “superfoods”, maca doesnt come too cheaply and can be hard to find. If you cant get your hands on any, this smoothie is still delicious even without the maca.
1/4 cup rolled oats
1 Tbsp maca
2 ripe bananas
1 medjool date (or 1 Tbsn sweetener of your choice)
1 tsp cinnamon
2 (heaped) Tbsp peanut butter
2.5 cups milk (almond/oat/dairy)
serve with bee pollen
Add oats to blended and process until finely ground. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth and combined. Add more milk to thin if desired. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon or bee pollen.
Serves 2
Wow, thanks for the recipe, lookes great! Will definately try it. Tell me please, is there a max. quantity of maca that i can add so i won’t ruin the taste? Do maca properties stay as they are during the process?
Hi Sarah, I have only ever used this quantity which works out to be 1/2 Tbsp per person. I think maca has a strong taste so i probably wouldn’t use any more than this, and its probably not advisable to have it in large doses as well, especially if you don’t consume it regularly. As you are not heating it at all, I believe the properties should stay the same. I hope you like the drink :)