We are back home, and straight back to work! We arrived home at around 3pm yesterday – via a slight detour to pick up our little fur baby, who was very happy to see us.
I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after our holiday and have a bunch of exciting things in the pipelines, the most exciting of which – our workshop – is only two short weeks away. I also jotted down a dozen or so new recipes ideas whilst I was away, so I’m keen to start experimenting in the kitchen and sharing some with you soon. In the mean time, I thought I’d leave you with a little holiday recap, firstly of our week in Perth and then our time in Lombok.
We arrived in Perth Tuesday afternoon – our flights were changed last minute meaning that we had to fly to Melbourne from Hobart the night before and stay in an airport hotel before flying out to Perth the following morning. I like to pack my own food when I travel so I’m not stuck eating the limited choices of predominately unhealthy food at the airport. I packed a few snacks and some dry chia pudding mix, and also went to the effort of making some raw, vegan sushi for our lunch the following day. I realised that my time making this, as well as the sushi itself, was good for nothing but the bin once arriving at our budget airport hotel and realising that there was no fridge in the room! Luckily, I had definitely over-catered for our trip and we arrived in Perth with full stomachs the following afternoon.
We flew to Perth two days earlier than we had originally intended to see the Arctic Monkeys play, and headed off to the gig the night we arrived only to lose each other in the crowd before they’d even started! As B hadn’t taken his phone we had no way of getting in contact with one another so instead we watched the concert from our places apart from one another in the crowd. Not the best start to the holiday, but once we had realised we had no way of finding one another we both danced and sung along and enjoyed the concert on our own.
Perth is an interesting city – I was expecting a smaller version of Sydney or Melbourne, but the city is actually really spread out and the central business district is relatively quite small. We walked around some of the inner suburbs as well, and also ventured down to Fremantle which was by far my favorite area of Perth – lovely old architecture, cosy little cafes and grand old pubs, a sweeping coastline, and loads of character.
After exploring the city for a few days we ventured down south to stay with family in Mandurah and Rockingham. The area south of Perth is one large sprawling suburb which seems to go on for ever and blend into one another as you drive further south. We spent a few days playing tourist with my mother, visiting vineyards, strange rock formations and going on a dolphin cruise where the dolphins swam alongside our boat playing in the wake. It was quite amazing to see.
The rest of our time was spent catching up with my mother and B’s sister, so instead of boring you with stories about our times spent reminiscing, I’ll instead leave you with the rest of my pictures instead. (And as you can see, the photos are all taken by my trusty iPhone – unfortunately I forgot to pack my DSLR batter charger and only realised when it was too late!)
Oh, so beautiful! What a wonderful vacation (except, maybe, for that little glitch at the concert! :D )! And isn’t the very best part of coming home that moment when you’re reunited with your “fur baby”?!?! Lovely photos! Welcome home! :D
Lovely pics Dearna. Am glad you had such a fun holiday and now feeling refreshed!! Sorry to hear about your little mishap at the concert, but bet you are laughing about it now!! I also bet Maggie was beside herself when you picked her up! :)