The dreaded winter lurgy hit our house a few weeks back – more so in the form of the dreaded man flu for the boy rather than anything too severe for me. As soon as the symptoms started to show, I went to the shop to stock up on fresh turmeric, ginger and lemon, and we had a few shots of this flu tonic over the next few days until we were back to good health – as well as over the following days, just for good measure.
This tonic will put hairs on your chest – but I actually quite like the strong taste. I think it’s quite nice watered down with some warm water and raw honey mixed in, and then sipped, but that’s probably not for everyone. Try it in a smaller dose in the first instance, and if your game, turn it into a full drink to enjoy daily during the flu season to keep the flu at bay.
Fresh ginger root is spicy and pungent, with a lovely strong aroma and flavour and has been used for thousands of years in Asia to treat colds and sickness. Ginger is often used to aide digestion and alleviate symptoms of gastronomical distress and has been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties, which may assist in relieving swelling and pain.
Raw turmeric root as a bitter, peppery flavour and a lovely golden colour. As with ginger, it has also been used for centuries in Asian traditional medicine for it’s powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The list of health benefits associated with turmeric is constantly growing as new studies emerge, and includes lowering cholesterol, cancer prevention, reducing the severity of bacterial and viral infections and providing relief for rheumatoid arthritis, among other things.
These zesty little citrus fruits are rich invitamin C which supports immune function and helps fight colds and flus. They have also been shown to be useful in aiding digestion, combating skin aging, and detoxifying and cleansing the liver.
I love a good tonic to get rid of a cold. Food as medicine all the way! I hope the flu has disappeared from your house now :)
Looks like the sun streaming in the windows will lift spirits as the tonic eases the flu symptoms! The photos are lovely, even though the flu is not. ;) I love this idea and am so on board with natural remedies.
Same here Sharon – would much prefer to try and heal any ailments naturally than with anything packed with chemicals and other added nasties. And that sunshine definitely helped :)
Thank you so much for sharing! This is exactly what I need right now! I hate resorting to antibiotics and medicine when i’m sick too!
What a lovely recipe! I’ll be sure to bookmark it asap as flu season will start soon around here ;)
Hopefully you stay healthy anyway Consuelo, but if you get struck down, this one is a winner! :)